Monday, June 7, 2010

I Rock Rough and Tough w/My Afro Puffs

I admit it, I've been struggling with my hair too. When I had long locs, I could just put them up in a bun, twists, or a fish tail and be on my way. Now that I have cut them and I'm growing my hair out, it's in the "in between" stage and I often don't know what to do with it. I'm tempted to cut it down to a brush cut, but I really want to have this gigantic afro puff by next summer, so I'm staying focused.

I have rediscovered raw, uncut shea butter lately. The challenge I have with my hair is that it's so dry. I need to drink more water, which is the only way to truly moisturize the hair, but while I'm training to do this at 40 years old, I just wash and twist it with shea butter, and this simple process is so nourishing for my hair it's not even funny. I have been used to mixing up my own products as a former body and hair care product manufacturer, but there is no need to mix anything with raw shea. I just scoop up a heaping helping, and voila, I'm good and my twist out lasts longer too.

Hope you'll return to your shea butter, if you've left, and keep using if you haven't. I rediscovered why I used shea butter in most of my creations and I'm looking forward to having that big "Thelma off Good Times" afro puff real soon.

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